Tracy和Don的Trax Analytics花絮
Tracy和Don的Trax Analytics花絮


Categories: Coronavirus, Employees, Janitorial, Webinar


在这集特蕾西花絮里, a Trax Analytics production, Tracie Davis, CEO of Trax Analytics, hangs out with Don Toole, SVP of Sales and Marketing at Flagship. They discuss how COVID-19 has changed the perception of clean and some of the innovations that have occurred in the janitorial world because of it. They also discuss the importance of recognizing and appreciating the essential frontline heroes that have continued to work hard throughout the pandemic to keep customers, employees and travelers safe.

Video Transcript

T. Davis: 大家好,我是特雷西·戴维斯. I’m President CEO of Trax Analytics and again this is another segment of Tidbits with Tracy. 今天我请到了一位非常激动人心的嘉宾, Mr. Don Toole. 所以,唐,你为什么不告诉比较正规的赌博软件你到底是谁?

D. Toole: Well thanks, Tracy. Hello everyone, my name is Don Toole 我是旗舰设施服务部的高级副总裁. I lead our sales and marketing teams but I’m really about passionate about helping make solutions for the customers out there and making a difference each day.

T. Davis: 太好了,非常感谢你们的参与. 比较正规的赌博软件真的很高兴你能来. 我想说的一点是, 比较正规的赌博软件经历了疯狂的一年,现在比较正规的赌博软件正期待着另一个疯狂的一年, 但新冠疫情确实影响了清洁服务行业, 你主要关注的世界. 我只能想象这提高了敏感度, 提高认识,但你看到COVID对 janitorial services world that you combat daily?

D. Toole: I think the biggest thing I’ve seen is that it’s really taken a job that a lot of people may have looked at in various ways in the past, and it’s really made people realize the importance of what happens and how buildings are cleaned and how this truly is an essential and a critical profession that touches the lives of everyone, every day. I think that that people took that for granted prior to COVID and I really think it’s given a lot of light on people who do a great job and are really professionals at what they do. Because it’s not just running through and you know whatever your perception of cleaning was before, 我很确定这在去年已经改变了. So when I look at it, 我是从这个角度来看的, yeah we face challenges but really it’s brought a great positive light on really great people.

T. Davis: No that’s wonderful, and I actually have to applaud you guys because one thing that I’ve really admired about your firm and then the work that you guys are doing is, how the level of importance that you put on the work that your team is doing and the janitorial teams out in the field and how, 我觉得你管他们叫前线英雄?

D. Toole: 这是比较正规的赌博软件的一项工作,这是比较正规的赌博软件网站上的一个亮点. 比较正规的赌博软件总是强调比较正规的赌博软件的一线英雄, 比较正规的赌博软件在社交媒体上做了很多关于前线英雄的细分. 比较正规的赌博软件真的希望他们得到认可,真的, there’s a lot of pride that’s taken in that work and I just have the luxury and the privilege to get to represent them and it makes my job a lot easier really.

T Davis: It’s so wonderful and I mean when you actually can acknowledge the hard work that your team’s doing out in the field, 我觉得这样会有十倍的回报, because it’s sometimes a thankless job unfortunately and when it really is as you said it’s essential and then even more so essential to the world that we live in right now. So I’ve gotten the privilege to know Flagship quite a bit over the past couple of years and yourself, 有一件事我已经开始注意到我的眼睛, 旗舰公司如何在你们所做的事情上真正成为行业领导者. Not just even janitorial services but facility management aviation这是我的背景,但也在它之外. 那么Flagship是如何继续保持行业领先地位的呢? 你们在做什么,秘密是什么? 我想不要泄露你所有的秘密.

D. Toole: 比较正规的赌博软件不能走得太远,特蕾西, but I really think it starts with leadership and I’m blessed to be a part of a leadership team. 我确实代表了比较正规的赌博软件的领导团队和整个公司的职能, 但它是从顶部开始的 David Pasek他是比较正规的赌博软件的创始人兼首席执行官,这一理念贯穿于整个公司. A lot of companies put a face on that type of thing but to really be innovators and be leaders, 你必须从头开始, and it has to be your culture. 它必须是你每天所想的. It does go back, 我想这听起来很简单, 但它确实要回归到人民身上, it’s the people on the front lines that when you listen to them and you’re thinking about what their needs are. 比较正规的赌博软件非常热衷于思考:比较正规的赌博软件如何让自己与众不同, 你如何看待不同的情况? 因为比较正规的赌博软件是一家私有公司, we’re not too big, we’re not too small, we’re able to make impacts without having a lot of other limitations because of whatever different groups need to approve or whatever. 比较正规的赌博软件能够快速做出决定并继续前进, 我真的认为这有助于比较正规的赌博软件创新. 我认为比较正规的赌博软件做的更多的是其他事情, 我之所以这样说,是因为我正坐在这里和你们谈话,但我确实想称赞你们, is that we really look to partner and find people like yourself and with your organization to be able to bring the latest things to the forefront because we feel like if we’re doing that, we’re being the best partner to our client partners as well as to our employees and our staff. Because they benefit when we bring in innovation and we keep being cutting edge on how we approach things.

T Davis: 谢谢你,这对我意义重大. It’s been wonderful to get to know you guys too and to have the incredible partnership that we do is really unique but powerful, 尤其是比较正规的赌博软件所服务的行业. You know one difference that, 我已经和你和你的团队讨论过了, 就我在清洁行业和科技打交道的经验来看, but there really has been a shift in my eyes of the way that pre-COVID cleaning was often hidden. It was often done, you know, you didn’t want to impact journeys and I’ve seen in a lot of our locations where it’s great now that the janitorial staff is in the front, 人们希望看到清洁工作的进行. They want to see that as almost a boost of confidence to get back in the building when really cleaning is taking place right in front of their eyes. So again, that’s just my limited experience; what are you seeing in the industry? 这是一个相似的观点吗?

D. Toole: Yeah I think that really, you hear a lot of things about touch point cleaning and stuff like that and I do think that that’s really been one of the biggest impacts is visualization. People want to see, and there’s a sense of confidence that’s created whenever there’s visuals of people seeing the activities taking place. 我认为这确实因你所处的位置而异, like within an airport setting that’s one perspective but when you’re in like an industrial plant or a corporate facility, there’s another perspective. 所以我确实认为在时间上发生了一些变化, it’s more about the touch point cleanings; there’s confidence from that visualization that comes out of that. So I do think, yes, 这对比较正规的赌博软件所处的位置以及行业中正在发生的事情都是一个重大的变化.

T. Davis: 是啊,我相信这将是一个漫长的结局, we’re going to see this for years to come and hopefully there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. If you don’t believe so, 就骗我吧,因为我要告诉自己隧道尽头会有光明. 太谢谢你了,唐,很高兴见到你. 这是一个关于你自己的小趣事, 告诉比较正规的赌博软件一些没有人知道的特别的事情 Don Toole. No pressure.

D. Toole: 天啊,我也不能让那些东西出来.

T. Davis: What is your favorite bourbon?

D. Toole: Well you do know I do have a little bit of a soft spot that’s become a nice venture for me, but my regular is eagle rare. 我给你们看,这是我的稀有鹰. I’ll also give you, because I’m actually sitting in a college town; my son is graduating in just a few weeks, 如果我想和大家分享一个有趣的事实, I’ll share my pride is that my son’s about to graduate with a biomedical engineering degree and my daughter’s working on her PHD. So I just want whoever’s kids I stole from the hospital, I just want to tell them thank you. 这就是我想要的.

T. Davis: Those are your kids? Man, that’s impressive. 恭喜你,恭喜孩子们,恭喜你的家人.

D. Toole: 好吧,非常感谢特蕾西,有什么需要帮忙的尽管说. And if there’s anybody out there that we can lend a hand to, we’re here to help, just let me know.

T. Davis: Thank you, Don. 感谢您的宝贵时间和合作伙伴关系.

D. Toole: All right, take care.