Kevin Barton谈Flagship Features
Kevin Barton谈Flagship Features

凯文·巴顿先生. 运营副总裁

类别: 航空, 设施维修, 家居



大家好,欢迎收看新一期的旗舰专题节目. 我是Amelia Beamer和Don Toole,他是比较正规的赌博软件的销售和市场高级副总裁. Kevin Barton是比较正规的赌博软件的高级运营副总裁. 谢谢你们二位今天能来.

快乐. 太棒了, 凯文,比较正规的赌博软件今天有几个问题要问你,你为什么不先告诉比较正规的赌博软件一些你自己和你在旗舰店的经历呢. 当然,我的名字是凯文·巴顿,我在设施行业工作了20多年我在旗舰公司工作了10年,这是一个令人惊叹的10年,担任过几个不同的职位,主要是董事,副总裁,今天是高级运营副总裁,所以我负责全国26个州的所有清洁业务,000多名员工这么大的规模让我忙个不停今天我在酒店房间里一年有200天我喜欢在现场生活我认为这很重要比较正规的赌博软件的团队看到这个领域的领导了解他们所经历的挑战我在那里为他们消除障碍这就是我努力做的. 凯文,比较正规的赌博软件来找点乐子你能告诉我在旗舰店工作你最喜欢的部分是什么吗. 在一天结束的时候,比较正规的赌博软件是一个人的企业没有什么比看着一个人从看门人到主管到运营经理再到区域经理更令人惊奇的了没有什么比你不仅改变了他们的生活你改变了每个人每个家庭的生活更特别的了这就是我喜欢我所做的事情旗舰公司让我做这件事 . 凯文,有几件事我想问你一些问题第一个问题是你谈到了成长的空间谈谈你的一些经历你看到了比较正规的赌博软件的成长你认为最突出的亮点是什么以及比较正规的赌博软件是如何向前发展的. Yeah I mean it’s it’s um the growth is not um just about growth around Revenue it’s growth around creating opportunity and upward trajectory for the employee base and that’s one of the things that I love about what I do you know Flagship Fosters entrepreneurship within its individual contributors they give you and I try to lead this way I try to give people the autonomy to manage their particular business units um to shape those units certainly it’s within the context of how we operate with as an organization but when you give people the freedom to make smart decisions um to challenge them um that’s what really creates the opportunity for them to grow. 说到增长和变化,凯文,你能谈谈你知道的日常运作在你的任期内可能会涉及到一些技术以及它是如何改变日常运作的. Yeah absolutely I mean um certainly our technology around chemistry gets better the equipment that we’re using gets better um but we’re also starting to see you know the introduction of of co-robotics or robotic autonomous scrubbers um I and and vacuums I think that those are a game changer I think that you know as that technology becomes um more prevalent uh the cost point will come down the ROI will become shorter and that’s going to be very important to the industry um certainly with the introduction of smart restroom technology or frequency management within um online Performance Management Systems allowing us to see the frequencies in which our employees are in and out of particular areas like restrooms or break rooms and things like that um also with the ability to in in our airport environments to look at passenger traffic data in and out of restrooms um to be able to plan our labor to move our labor strategically based on you know particular flight banks and and things like that. 这让比较正规的赌博软件做得更好这让比较正规的赌博软件对客户的具体操作进行微调给比较正规的赌博软件提供更好的领先和滞后指标因为客户环境在变化所以比较正规的赌博软件需要如何改变比较正规的赌博软件的操作是针对客户的技术帮助比较正规的赌博软件做得更快这就是比较正规的赌博软件今天的全部时间我从这次谈话中学到了很多感谢你来到这里,凯文. 谢谢凯文,比较正规的赌博软件真的非常感谢你们,祝你们今天愉快.